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Fluctuation phenomena in nanoscale quantum systems

Nanoscale quantum optical systems  enhance the efficacy of light-matter interactions by strongly confining electromagnetic fields in small regions. Such systems are vital for a range of applications -- from building single-photon devices, storing and transmitting quantum information over long distances, to  facilitating precision tests of fundamental physics.  With growing efforts towards miniaturization of quantum optical systems --  both with the fundamental motivation to explore quantum phenomena at nanoscales, and the practical goal of developing modular on-chip architectures -- quantum fluctuation phenomena become an increasingly relevant facet of developing nanoscale quantum systems. 
We develop and use a driven-dissipative Open Quantum System approach to engineer 
quantum fluctuation phenomena -- fluctuation forces, dissipation and decoherence -- with the aim to achieve better control and coherence of nanoscale quantum systems. 


Collective effects in waveguide QED


The interference between coherent radiation processes in an ensemble of atoms leads to collective effects, as first illustrated by Dicke super- and subradiance. Collective effects are responsible for a variety of phenomena, relevant in fundamental and applied physics. They can enhance atom-light coupling strengths, which finds applications in quantum information processing, or can be used to selectively decouple a system from its environment, improving the storage and transfer of quantum information. Traditionally collective effects have been explored in systems where the atoms are located in a subwavelength region. Waveguides allow for coupling emitters coherently at long distances, where memory effects of the intermediary electromagnetic environment come into play, rendering the dynamics non-Markovian. We explore such waveguide mediated non-Markovian collective atom-field dynamics in collaboration with ongoing experiments. Such systems are pertinent to building quantum networks and distributed quantum sensing.

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